Upsers portal login Log In Portal Access is available to all UPS active and inactive upsers portal login employees in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and retired employees in the UPS Retirement Plan. Separated employees have access www.​upsers.​com until June of the year following separation. Log In Portal Access is available to all UPS active and inactive upsers portal login employees in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and retired employees in the UPS Retirement Plan. Separated employees have access www.​upsers.​com until June of the year following separation.

User ID and PIN for U.S., Puerto Rico, and Canada:

User ID: Your User ID is your Employee ID (which is different than your SSN) and may be found on your pay stub.

PIN: Your Personal Identification Number is a one-time password you use during your registration. (Note: PINs are case-sensitive; enter the letters in your PIN in lower-case.)

How to construct your PIN:
Upsers portal login

Note: Please remember that passwords are case-sensitive. The letters in your initial password should be entered in lower-case. Passwords must be between 7-14 characters with at least 1 alpha and 1 numeric character. The password you create cannot be the same as your PIN.

\’New User\’ Registration – U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico:

  • Select your language preference
  • Enter User ID and PIN, then select the Log In button
  • Review and agree to Terms and Conditions for use of
  • Provide an e-mail address and, if appropriate, an ID for access to UPS applications.
  • Create your Challenge Questions and Responses
  • Create a password

At initial log in, will flow you through a few registration screens. Upon subsequent log in\’s, you will be forwarded directly to the homepage.

Temporarily Locked Out:

You have three chances to log in. If you fail to provide a valid User ID and Password on your third attempt, you will be locked out of the system for 15 minutes.
Registered users only: If you cannot remember your password, try the Forgot Your Password link on the log in screen.

Upsers portal login

Forgot Your Password:
Registered users only: If you forget your password, select the Forgot Your Password link on the log in screen. You will be asked to answer your own challenge questions, then change your password. When answering the questions, be sure to type them exactly as you did when you entered them (during registration or later via Edit My Profile). If you fail to provide a valid ID and correctly answer your challenge questions by your third attempt, you will be locked out of the system. You will then need to submit a Technical Help Form to request that your account be unlocked.